Depression and Sleeping Too Much, Signs of Mental Disorder

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Depression and sleeping too much can be two interconnected things. There is research that explains that excessive sleep is a symptom of mental disorders. The condition of someone who sleeps a lot is usually called hypersomnia.

Depression and Sleeping Too Much, Signs of Mental Disorder
Picture: Istock

Health Problems of Depression and Sleeping Too Much

Sleep is an activity to restore body fitness. Lack of sleep can have various bad effects on health. However, sleeping too much can also trigger mental disorders. Below are some explanations regarding these two health disorders.

Correlation of Hypersomnia and Depression

Hypersomnia and depression often have a direct cause-and-effect relationship. Depression can be a cause of hypersomnia. A condition where sleep duration becomes longer in response to depressive symptoms which causes fatigue.

On the other hand, persistent hypersomnia can also cause worse depression. Too much sleep can trigger feelings of laziness and loss of interest in activities.

Hormonal Disorders

Depression can affect a person’s hormonal system. Including hormones that regulate the sleep cycle. This hormonal imbalance can cause sleep disorders such as hypersomnia. On the other hand, too much sleep can also affect the production of hormones related to mood. So hypersomnia can cause much more severe mental disorders.

Psychosocial Stress

Depression and psychosocial stress can be factors causing hypersomnia. Prolonged stress and emotional trauma can cause sleep disorders. This is a physical response to mental stress disorders. The condition of depression and sleeping too much makes a person feel tired and unwilling to overcome life’s challenges.

Reduces Quality of Life

Both depression and hypersomnia can reduce a person’s quality of life. This excessive sleep disturbance can cause the quality of life to decrease. Hypersomnia can interfere with daily activities, social relationships, and productivity. When the quality of life decreases, a person will slowly feel pressure which leads to depression.


Apart from being a cause of depression, hypersomnia also makes a person experience other health problems such as headaches. This is because a lot of sleep will affect human brain chemistry. Allowing these habits and headaches will trigger a person’s bad mood and depression.

Many cases of chronic depression that are not treated immediately can trigger other mental disorders. Such as schizophrenia, OCD, and bipolar. Therefore, it is better to always fill your time with positive activities.

Risk of Chronic Disease

Apart from being related to mental disorders, depression and sleeping too much also have an impact on physical health. The effects can include body inflammation and a weakened immune system. Then, if you don’t get treatment immediately, you can increase the risk of chronic disease. Starting with diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

Inducing Death

Many studies state that someone who sleeps more than 9 hours has a higher death rate. Although there is no specific reason, experts have found that depression and economic status are related to hypersomnia. This speculation comes from observations of mortality rates in people who have excessive sleep patterns.

Strategies for Overcoming Hypersomnia and Depression

To improve sleep patterns and prevent depression, a person can adopt a healthy lifestyle Start by waking up early and doing light physical activity. Then, continue with breakfast with a balanced nutritional intake. Apart from that, do positive activities, both indoors and outdoors.

In the explanation on YouTube Medical Centric, severe conditions require proper medical treatment. Where, doctors usually provide various testing methods or sleep diaries to monitor the patient’s sleep quality. This process can help up to 25% of problems in addition to taking medication or therapy.

That’s an explanation of relationships and the dangers of depression and sleeping too much. Two disorders that have a bad impact if you don’t get immediate attention. Therefore, it is important to take preventive measures before the condition gets worse.