Self-care for OCD can be done to free yourself from this mental health disorder that significantly disrupts various activities and daily life. OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, is a mental health issue that causes individuals to have uncontrollable, repetitive thoughts and trigger compulsive behaviors.
OCD can affect children, teenagers, and adults, with uncertain causes. People with OCD may display symptoms of obsession and compulsion. Obsession involves recurring thoughts, urges, or mental images that induce anxiety. Then compulsion is a repetitive behavior.

There are various examples of OCD symptoms. For instance, excessively washing hands, arranging things in a specific manner, and repeatedly checking certain things. OCD symptoms can disrupt all aspects of a person’s life, and they should be treated. To address this, there are some simple self-care methods that you can apply. Here are some of them:
1. Reduce Stress
Stress can worsen OCD symptoms. Therefore, in your self-care routine for OCD, try to relax and manage stress. You can explore various calming relaxation techniques. Then, take a break from activities involving gadgets and engage in other activities like reading your favorite book, trying out new recipes, and other hobbies.
2. Learn to Resist Compulsive Actions
Learn to resist the urge to perform compulsive actions. For example, if you often excessively wash your hands after touching a doorknob at the mall, try touching the doorknob at the mall and resist the urge to wash your hands immediately. Over time, the urge will decrease and disappear on its own.
3. Challenge Obsessive Thoughts
In your self-care for OCD, challenge obsessive thoughts by writing down what you’re thinking and how often you think about it. Then ask yourself if these thoughts are accurate. Are there more positive ways to view the situation? What is the probability that what I’m thinking will happen? Is this thought helpful?
4. Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle can alleviate anxiety, prevent compulsions also ease OCD-related fears. You can incorporate regular exercise for approximately 30 minutes a day. Then, ensure you get enough sleep to avoid insomnia and maintain emotional balance. Avoid alcohol and nicotine because they can exacerbate OCD symptoms and anxiety.
5. Be Honest with Yourself
According to Ali Greymond, OCD treatment emphasizes the importance of accepting the condition. One crucial aspect of this is being honest with yourself. Self-honesty in the context of OCD is not just about acknowledging the symptoms.
But also about understanding the root causes of disturbing thoughts and behaviors. Ultimately, self-honesty also helps individuals to build better relationships. So that they can develop a more loving and accepting attitude towards imperfection.
Those are some relatively simple self-care strategies for OCD that you should try. By using the methods mentioned above, OCD symptoms can finally decrease. However, if these approaches do not prove effective, it is advisable to seek a professional to receive appropriate and optimal treatment.